Manners of reviewing project stages

A significant advantage of MightySolar is that it provides a centralized…

Quality Assurance: Let's do it remotely!

How can you assure the quality of the PV installation service? Did the…

Process Acceleration - Let's automate what can be automated!

So you are dealing with multiple relatively simple projects of solar PV…

What should you consider when digitizing the installation process?

Digitalization brings many benefits. Accurate and up-to-date information from…


Data collection made easy

Capability #4: Collect rich relevant field data with least click approachOnce…

Scheduling tasks with ease

Capability #3: Flexible scheduling - 4 optionsIn our previous blog post, we…

Flexible task creation

Capability #2:  Create tasks in the back office or in the fieldFieldwork and…

Design field data capture with ease

Capability #1:  Design field experience in the back office with a no-code form…