Optiprint optimises their field operations and saves 30 minutes per technician each day


Optiprint is a trusted partner of more than 3400 companies across Slovenia and a wider Adriatic region. Their core business is the rent of printers and multifunctional devices to businesses with their innovative solution, endless cartridge. Since 2009, Optiprint has expanded its successful business model with the help of its franchise partners home and abroad. Currently, they are present also in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Optiprint technicians spend most of their time away from the office while engaging with customers, as they perform their jobs. That includes daily installations, repairs, and regular maintenance at customer locations. Their daily work requires to schedule visits, collect relevant information from the market, and to perform on-site tasks.

Business challenge: Time-consuming data collection

As with any other service company, customer service responsiveness is crucial.  Prior to implementing MighyFields, the process of collecting data with paper forms was time-consuming for the technicians. Instead of dealing with their client’s full time, they had one person extra who did administration work.  When technician finished tasks – e.g., the servicing and maintenance of a printer – someone needed to rewrite all the information into their ERP system.

Solution: Collection of data with a mobile device

Optiprint replaced pen and paper with easy to use platform, MightyFields. This simplified the process and workflow. Now the technicians collect data at a customer’s location with a mobile app, which saves time during every visit. Scanning a barcode immediately upon arrival at the location enables them to avoid errors. Especially when it comes to identifying printers and a micro location of the printer.

”With MightyFields, our technicians save around 3 minutes per case, which means savings of 30 minutes per day, or 10 hours per month. This saved time can be invested back into their continuing education and self-development.”

Žan Verbič, Head of Technical Support, Optiprint

Benefits of MightyFields platform implementation

  • Wizard-like forms that lead the technicians through the process of repair, maintenance, and installation have improved their overall performance.
  • Optiprint has minimised their telephone communications, as dispatchers no longer need to call technicians to schedule appointments. Instead, they can send push notifications directly to the technicians’ phones.
  • Information gathered from customers gives the company greater insight into business operations and the ability to improve decision-making processes.
  • They have also improved their customer service, as the customers receive instant email reports as soon as the service is completed.