Here are a couple of things to do to make fewer miles when working in the field

Optimally schedule tasks

When you have multiple field workers it can be difficult to optimally assign tasks. This means assigning a task to the worker that is best suited to complete the job. When tasks are assigned optimally it can also help with team productivity as no member is overworked and work is done efficiently and effectively. 

MightyFields offers a solution that automatically schedules tasks based on prespecified preferences. The AI Smart Scheduler takes into account several parameters: 

  • Lower travel time – by distributing tasks that are close to one another to a single worker 
  • Distribute workload evenly – so no worker is overworked, and tasks are evenly distributed 
  • Decrease waiting time – making sure the tasks are scheduled without unnecessary gaps 
  • Assign appropriate task priority – tasks that have a higher priority are performed earlier 


Read more about the Smart Scheduler here.

Poll of tasks

But sometimes it can happen that a worker either finishes a task early or they do not need to visit a site anymore. In that case, field workers should have the option to see the non-assigned tasks that are currently available and take it on themselves to solve the problem.

Improve First Time Fix Rate (FTFR) and first-time completion rate

A field worker can save time and money if they can address the occurred issue without having to return with additional materials or equipment. If a field worker is not efficiently prepared for the visit (they do not have the necessary expertise or the right equipment and materials to solve the problem) it can become frustrating for both the client and the worker. What are the options to improve FTFR? 

Customers report the problem themselves – It can be beneficial for customers to report a problem and provide a detailed description of the occurred problem. This can be done either verbally or even better, visually with a picture or video of the problem. This way a field worker, most suited for the job can take over the task and will know what type of equipment is required to complete the task.


MightyFields also offers a solution of annotated images which you can read more about here. 

Have all the necessary data when being on the field – Being in the field and not having the right tools can lead to unnecessary returning to the site. Having the option to access what tools you need to have and what tools are currently available to you can provide a higher first-time fix rate.

View previous site visits - Having access to information on previous site visits and what was done on a specific asset can help field workers to make the right decision on the spot. They will know what was already done and which tools are needed to perform the task. This can result in completing the job better and faster as they can make the right decisions on the spot.


The history feature can also be used in MightyFields. Click here to watch a video on the topic.