About Megaenergja

Megaenergija d.o.o. is a company specialized in sales, installation, service, and maintenance of devices for the cogeneration of heat and electricity. that decided to optimize their data collection processes and field operations. Since their customers are located throughout the country their service team is daily present in the field, performing regular maintenance inspections of the devices and emergency services.

The challenge: Paper forms and time-consuming data capture

While performing maintenance inspections and services, the service teams follow the procedures and norms prescribed by the manufacturer of devices. In this process of inspection and service, they use custom made paper form for each device. Once in a month they collected all maintenance reports, signed by customers, and sent them to the sales unit for invoicing. Due to the growth in business volume and consequently the frequency of reviews, field teams brought the reports to the office with a delay and sales teams spent a lot of time to process all records by converting the data from paper forms to the computer. Consequently, It came to more client complaints and payment delays Influencing cash flow.

“MightyFields brings us instant overview of service procedures, enables us effective & transparent communication with clients and acceleration of key business process from the
delivery of the service to issuing an invoice.”

Andrej Pogorelec, Head of Sales and Procurator

Solution: paperless operations bring simple solutions

Megaenerija d.o.o. decided to digitalize their key business process by implementing MightyFields. Technicians now carry the latest smart form on a mobile device (tablet) when performing maintenance or inspections in the field. That enables them to unified and instant collection of maintenance reports from the field. Maintenance reports are now instantly sent to the client and to the sales team to Issue an Invoice.

Business benefits of MightyFields

With using MightyFields in its daily operations they obtain the following
competitive business advantages:

  • Faster cash flow – the process from performed service to invoicing is now almost instant;
  • Fewer reclamations and saved time – due to effective communication with customers, faster Invoicing and eliminated errors at retyping of maintenance reports in the office;
  • Steady overview of repair procedures.

Want to read more about how our clients digitalised their field processes? Check more use cases on our blog.