Plan fieldwork on a click

We at MightyFields wish to help you simplify your data collection, from the beginning to the end of your field process. We know that having many tasks that need manual scheduling can be time-consuming, stressful and often not optimal.

That is why we have incorporated the power of artificial intelligence (AI) into MightyFields, so you can make an optimal schedule on a “CLICK”.  With Smart Scheduler tasks are assigned to the most competent worker at the right time with the least time commuting from one location to another and all the work is evenly distributed. So, the field teams are motivated and deliver the highest value.

Join the evolution of planning fieldwork now!

    How does the Smart Scheduler work?

    With the power of artificial intelligence (AI), Smart Scheduler automatically schedules tasks for the selected time frame – day or week.

    When preparing the optimal schedule of tasks, it considers multiple parameters:

    • estimated duration of the task,
    • location and travel time between task locations,
    • qualifications required by the field worker to perform the task,
    • desired worker for task execution
    • time constraints (fixed time of execution or the time range in which the task must be performed).

    The software also considers possible external events/tasks – such events are for example sick leaves, vacations, meetings etc. Every task is planned during company working hours, with an option to extend into overtime.

    To achieve the most optimal distribution, a “compromise” is considered between the following criteria which are adjustable according to your preferences:

    • Travel time – lowering the travel time, by distributing tasks that are close to one and other to one worker
    • Even workload – the goal is to have work is evenly distributed among workers
    • Waiting time – making sure the tasks are scheduled without unnecessary gaps
    • Priority – tasks that have a higher priority are performed earlier
    • Postponing already planned tasks – all tasks that are already planned are only postponed if it substantially optimizes the delivered team’s workload
    • Overtime – striving to lower overtime hours as much as possible

    Why use Smart Scheduler?

    Using automatically optimized task scheduling, you will:

    • execute more work (tasks) with the same team;
    • save time (and reduce stress) for planning work;
    • provide a better experience for the field team, due to better and more even task distribution;
    • increasing customer satisfaction due to fulfilment of their preferences for the date of the visit.


    The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.