Streamlining Solar PV Installation with an Issue Log 
When managing a solar construction site, encountering issues is par for the course. From technical glitches to material shortages, how these issues are handled can significantly impact project timelines and overall success.
That’s where MightyFields Solar steps in, offering a comprehensive solution to streamline issue resolution and keep projects running smoothly.
Efficient Issue Management
Imagine having a centralized log of all identified issues at your solar construction site, reported by your site managers or installation teams. With MightyFields Solar, this is not just a vision—it’s a reality. Here’s how it works:
Updated Issue Log: Our platform allows you to track the status of recorded issues and identify who is responsible for resolving each one. Whether you're on-site or in the office, you have real-time access to the latest information, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the resolution process.
Faster Time to Resolution (up to 25%): By providing detailed information such as photos, videos, geo-locations, and comprehensive descriptions, MightyFields Solar ensures that technicians have everything they need to address issues quickly and accurately. This eliminates guesswork and misinterpretations, leading to a remarkable 25% reduction in time to resolution.
“25% reduction in time
to issue resolution”
Proof of Work: Once an issue is resolved, MightyFields Solar automatically generates a completion report with all the necessary details. This serves as proof of work completed and provides valuable documentation for future reference.
Experience the Difference with MightyFields
With MightyFields Solar, issue resolution becomes a seamless and efficient process. Say goodbye to confusion and delays—empower your team with the tools they need to tackle issues head-on and keep your solar construction projects on track.

Don't let challenges derail your progress and contact us!
Feel free to contact us to demonstrate the usage and discuss your issue (and project) management flow with you.