A Picture is worth a thousand words - and prevents misinterpretations
The above phrase is often used when a picture or image can more easily explain or describe something rather than spoken words. Asking someone to explain a situation with words can prove to be difficult and time-consuming as well as lead to misinterpretation.
Let’s look at an example from a field worker’s perspective on a building inspection. Field workers need to collect all the necessary data about the current state of the façade, the damages that have occurred, and the damage location. It will take quite some time to collect all the data if the damages are substantial. Instead of writing everything down, the field worker could simply take a photo of the damages on their mobile phone or a tablet and highlight the damaged area that needs to be repaired.
As a result, the team responsible of resolving the issue has exact information on where and what needs to be done. When all the repairs are finished, they would again take the picture, highlight the fixed area and store it as proof of the completed job.

With the new MigthyFields feature, image annotation, your workers can now capture photos from their camera or add them from their photo library. Multiple photos can be added when necessary. It is possible to add drawings or text to provide more specific information. The annotations on the photo can be adjusted based on color, size, and opacity. Later a description of the annotations can be added for an easier interpretation.
Save time – Visually highlighting the problem on the photo reduces the time needed to explain something with text as there is no need to type all the information.
Prevent misinterpretations - pinpointing a focused area (for example an issue, broken part, or similar), on the photo allows for easier interpretation of the problem.
Build transparency – you can mark on the photo and provide visual proof of job completion by adding a before and after photo
Improve First Time Fix Rate (FTFR) - know all the necessary job details before arriving at the job site.