Release of MightySolar, a niche solution for Solar installers

Another niche solution of MightyFields, the MightySolar. A niche product built on MightyFields has been designed so that a solar plant installation company can plug&play their process at a mighty accelerated pace and quality. However, flexibility remains our mighty core advantage.

Process Accelerator

One of the core advantages of MightySolar is its Process Accelerator. It allows you to follow your projects through the 7-stage process of which we have automated everything we could. Moving a project from one stage to another, data capture flow between the stages, access to the project history from the site and more—all to reduce time and effort for the execution and minimise a human error factor where possible.

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Overview of field projects

Multiple installations, each with specifics, in different stages, led by various teams, moreover subcontractors, … Not as simple as it could be, we figured when we were first confronted with the process of solar PV plant installations. And that was our drive to give a Project Manager 3 kinds of views of their projectsa list, a map and a Kanban view. To make the most of the (rich, quality) data they now have.

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Flexibility remains the first

We are still experts in building a flexible working environment; solar installers are no exception. The processes, the data capture templates, the reports and the emails … can all be adjusted to their specific needs. So, they can excel in their operation even when, for example, they struggle with the continuous onboarding of new field installers that need more support and a more rigid process.

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